I’ve been working with Stephen now for the last 6 months, focusing on motivation at work and a number of life skills. The sessions have been extremely productive and have made me more aware of specific issues which ultimately, have been holding me back.
Our conversations have helped enormously, and I would highly recommend in both a personal and professional capacity.
BA – Head of Business Development in Successful and Rapidly Expanding Company
Coaching & Mentoring towards the same aim
Forward focused
Client – led
Improves performance
Personal growth/ development
Developing leadership skills
Clarity in purpose and meaning
Self-awareness and reflection
Support and encouragement
Managing your own learning
Maximizing your potential
Developing your skills
Improving your performance
Becoming the person, you want to be
What I have discovered
Since coaching various individuals, I have found that coaching and mentoring has overlapped -empathy, active listening, applying techniques and models, and asking deep open questions are the key to unlocking performance.
They have equal value, hence the development of the Coa-Ment philosophy.
While coaching I have seen times where clients became stuck using and overcoming this and moving on with our journey-I gave the client some advice or examples-and we were able to move on-the impasse was beaten. The goal was reached-helped by my coaching skills and real-world experience-mentoring.